The IMPACT Open Data website is a Central Inspection initiative to give access to the data gathered through the most comprehensive, nation-wide, online data collection operation conducted in collaboration with different ministries and municipalities. IMPACT stands for the Inter-Ministerial and Municipal Platform for Assessment, Coordination and Tracking. All the data you can find on the website is free. It is meant to provide the tools and the evidence to observe, control and audit the activities of the central and local government. The data is continuously updated and the list of topics mapped is ever growing.

The First e-Governance platform in Lebanon
A Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
Engaging Citizens and Public Servants
Mapping and Providing Access to Data
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The Lebanese public administrations and institutions are constantly sharing data and information related to a wide range of topics. The aim of this website is to make these datasets available, in order to enhance the transparency and accountability of these institutions and to confirm the Central Inspection’s commitment to citizens’ right to access information.
The Daem Social Safety Net module was launched in collaboration with the Lebanese government and the World Bank to register and manage the distribution of aid to Lebanese households in need.
The ministerial acts module is a space that aims to gather all the decisions and administrative acts taken by government entities, in compliance with transparency principles and the Access to Information Law of 2017.
The public administrations assessment module aims to map and assess the public administration in Lebanon, in order to identify the challenges and windows of opportunities for public sector reform.
After the August 4, 2020 Beirut Port explosion, damages of the public administrations and institutions were mapped on IMPACT leading to a precise estimation of the losses and repair costs.
The vaccine module was developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health. Users willing to take the vaccine need to login on and fill in their personal information in order to get an appointment for vaccination.
The Hospital Complaints module was created in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Public Health and the Central Inspection to ensure a transparent follow up on people’s complaints regarding the health sector in Lebanon.
The Rural Development module is an initiative launched in collaboration with the Ministry of Displaced. It maps the social, economic conditions of Lebanese towns and villages, according to health, education, infrastructure, agriculture and industrial indicators.
Ministerial Measures
Municipal Measures
Municipal Needs
Policy Brief - Forest Fire brief, August 2021
IMPACT platform security Oct 24
Mapping- The Lebanese local and rural development in numbers
User Guide - The COVID-19 Vaccine Management in Lebanon, May 2021
User Guide - Lockdown mobility permits, January 2021
Policy Brief - COVID-19 vaccination in Lebanon, February 2021
Survey - Public perception of the ongoing lockdown and its modalities in Lebanon, January 2021
Policy Brief - The COVID-19 crisis in Lebanon, January 2021
Article - Le Liban s’essaye à l’administration électronique, Commerce du Levant, October 2020
Policy Brief - An assessment of Beirut blast’s impact on the public sector, September 2020
Policy Brief - COVID-19 in Lebanon: National & Local crisis response, November 2020
Policy Brief - Aid distribution in Lebanon, November 2020
Citizens Surveyed
IMPACT has allowed our institution to reach out to young talents. Private sector expertise should be leveraged during these critical times. My hope is for young people to practice their faith in their country and actively engage in rebuilding it.
Judge Georges Attieh
President of Central Inspection
I do believe that through the steady work of the Central inspection and the IMPACT Team, and with a strong political will to move ahead with reforms, Lebanon’s reputation will be restored as a role model in the Arab region and the country will regain its strong public institutions earned in the wake of independence.
Dr. Najat Rochdi
Former United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon
This government-wide digital platform tool is now able to connect municipalities to ministries, and state institutions to civil society and members of the public. I am impressed with how the project has built on local talent and has successfully brought together public administrations, Lebanese youth and technical experts in support of the state and the people.
IMPACT experience shows that it is possible to have good institutions, even when there are very clear signs of state failure in may sectors of economy in the country.
Saroj Kumar Jha
Former World Bank Regional Director, Middle East
Reform is not a sprint, it is a marathon where the words ‘endurance’, ‘hardship’ are very important. The trajectory of reform is not a straight line… But the important part in this is that we should not give up. It is never about the material resources,it’s always about people, and if you have the right people with you, a lot can be achieved. Working with the IMPACT family…I have found a group who is determined, resourceful and very dedicated.
Lebanon needs the institutional framework to embed every successful initiative, like IMPACT, in its public administration.
Minister of State for Administrative Reform
مع "إمباكت" خطونا أول خطوة بعيداً عن العمل الروتيني الإداري بشكل يسهّل عمليات المواطنين وتأمين حقوقهم كما ومتابعة واجباتهم
The information that is being uploaded on IMPACT is extremely important for the municipalities.
Through IMPACT, we were able to interact digitally for the first time with State institutions. This is the era of technology, we cannot allow ourselves to be constrained to pens and papers anymore.
Khalil Harfouch
President of Jezzine Union of Municipalities
IMPACT was easy to use and it facilitated our work as Mokhtars. We really hope to be able to use it for all our administrative procedures in the future.
The Lebanese Order of Merit
Issued by Presidential Decree 10565/2022.
IESE Certificate of Excellence for Public Sector Transformation Awards in 2023.
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Central Inspection
Ministry of Interior and Municipalities
Ministry of Social Affairs
Ministry of Public Health
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Displaced
Ministry of Industry
Ministry of Labor
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Justice
World Bank
World Health Organization
Institute of Finance Basil Fuleihan
Lebanese Army
Internal Security Forces
Lebanese Red Cross
Social Workers' Syndicate
Arab Women Organization
Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth
Supermarkets Owners' Union
National Council for Scientific Research
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Public Administration
The Inter-ministerial Platform for Assessment, Planning and Coordination enables and enhances inter-institutional collaboration and coordination within the public administration. It particularly allows to run a general inspection across public administrations and institutions. This module maps the public administration on various levels, while establishing a comprehensive electronic archive. It aims at assessing the current state of affairs within the public administration in Lebanon, identifying challenges and windows of opportunities to inform public sector reform.
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Rural Development
Access the most comprehensive, nationwide dataset of social and economic indicators across Lebanese towns and villages. The facts and figures are based on direct engagement with municipalities. This website is developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Displaced and the Ministerial Committee for Local and Rural Development.
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The Covax platform had been developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health to organize and digitalize the vaccination process in Lebanon. Click here and register to get your vaccine.
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1- What is IMPACT?
IMPACT is an eGovernance platform spearheaded by the Central Inspection. It was initially created to digitize audit and provide inspectors access to data related to administrative, financial, engineering, education, health, agriculture and environment inspectorates at Central Inspection. As the covid crisis hit, and under emergency, different modules were created for various sectors on the platform to support the crisis immediate response needs (like lockdown or vaccine, and soon the Ration Card).
2- Why is IMPACT important?
IMPACT is a game changer in governance and transparency. It allows Central Inspection, as an oversight agency with very low resources, to process efficient and effective audit getting access to data for this purpose. It also allowed to launch sectoral digital services under central inspection audit (such as vaccine and social safety net) to ensure fair and transparent implementation with real-time oversight.
Impact is a practical implementation of access to information, transparency, digital transformation, digital oversight, open data, and other key reform elements. It falls at the heart of the Central Inspection’s mission.
3- What is the mission of the Central Inspection?
Article 2 of Legislative Decree No. 115/59 (Establishment of the Central Inspection) outlined the main functions of the Central Inspection, which are as follows:
- Overseeing public administrations and institutions and municipalities through different types of inspections.
- Seeking to improve administrative processes.
- Offering advice to administrative authorities voluntarily or upon request.
- Coordinating joint operations between different public administrations.
- Carrying out studies, investigations and missions assigned to it by authorities.
4- Who owns the data on IMPACT?
As per applicable laws, your data controller for the processing of your personal data on IMPACT is the Government of Lebanon - deciding what data is collected, why and how - represented by the concerned ministry (MoSA on DAEM and MoPH on Covax).
5-Does this mean that anyone in the government can view the data?
Not at all, data can be viewed only by the relevant/specialized institution and the staff within this institution that needs to view it to do their work. For example, the vaccinating staff at the hospital can view a patient’s medical record, or a decision-maker at a given ministry can view relevant anonymized data, but without access to individual records whatsoever.
6- Can the data be used for electoral purposes or misused?
Because decision makers' access is anonymized, data cannot be abused or used for electoral purposes.
7- Who decided data view rules?
Data access rules were decided by the Central Inspection on basis of GDPR, and Law 81.
8- What is the role of the Central Inspection?
The Central Inspection operates the Public Administration General Inspections module on the platform and provides access on this module to inspectors who need to audit public administrations. It also audits other sectoral activities that are within its mandate using IMPACT dashboards.
The Central Inspection is also responsible of auditing the governance on all modules: General Inspection, but also covid, vaccine, etc. Governance means that the Central Inspection ensures that the GDPR principles and equity, security, privacy, transparency, and accountability principles are properly enforced on the platform. It audits logs and activities to make sure there is no transgression of these principles or of the governing laws (including the privacy law).
9- Is the data on IMPACT secure?
Data on IMPACT is highly secure. A professional security audit company (POTECH) has been accompanying and auditing all activities on IMPACT, doing ethical hacks, compromise testing, and providing support to reach ISO 27001 certification. The data on the server is encrypted on database level and on Operating System level. This means if you take the server physically, you cannot read the data. The encryption code has 82²⁰ possible combinations, which is practically impossible to hack, even in tens of years.
10- What about data administrators?
IMPACT has implemented the highest security systems for system administration, including automated deployment (so developers do not have access to the servers). Firewalls and a PAM (Privileged Access Management) system ensures automatic monitoring, recording, and control of all activities, down to the keystrokes, on the system so they can be audited. Not to mention regular internal inspections, external audit by POTECH, and strict policy rules.
11- Where is the IMPACT data located?
When the project started, as the Central Inspection server room was being refurbished, a dedicated server was installed at Leaseweb, a German provider with the highest security and GDPR standards. This server has been encrypted with no mean to steal its data.
As the lockdown and COVID crisis hit, the Server room at the Central Inspection got ready but the need for internet became too big. The Central Inspection asked the GoL for a free internet connection that can cater to the need of the platform but the Council of Minister (needed to approve the cost waver) did not provide this waver. Later, with the ration card program planned to go on IMPACT, the GoL provided servers and internet bandwidth at OGERO, and all IMPACT data was transferred there. As of Monday October 25, 2021, the German server was shut down and data remains exclusively on OGERO servers.
12- Is IMPACT aligned with the Lebanese Laws?
Not only that, IMPACT is also targeting conformity with the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) regulations. Impact is also in full alignment with the OMSAR digital transformation strategy, Law No. 81 of 10 October 2018 on Electronic Transaction and Personal Data, and the Decrees constituting the Central Inspection and describing its mission and mandate.
13- Who is funding IMPACT?
Initial financing was under the Governance Oversight and Accountability project funded by the UK. The World Bank has funded the ESSN-related platform. Some probono software development by the implementer (Siren) to get the platform started till funds are provided.
In short, IMPACT is probably the only system in Lebanon with the highest standards and methodology, a cybersecurity strategy, internal and external auditors, and is working towards 27001 certifications. It is under the spotlight, which allows reinforcement, improvement, and the building of a strong pilot from which all other digital systems in the country can learn.